Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Calling All Followers! Calling All Followers!

As you can see in the last post, we have posted the official trailer for The Crusader's Tale. Now is the time ladies and gentlemen! I need all followers to pass the word of The Crusder's Tale aound if they would. Simply post it on your blog, and ask all followers to post it on their blogs and so on. The Crusader's Tale only has a few more months to go before release! Although we set the date for Novembr 18th, we may have to postpone it if the editing is going badly!

So, if you would followers, we need your support, so please pass the word and ask your followers to pass the word. Trailer #2 is coming soon! Stay tuned!

Day 16 & 17 status: COMPLETE

Day 16 we filmed a travelling scene and it went perfectly!


Day 17 status: COMPLETE

Day 17 was a semi-battle scene. Unfourtunately we have no pictures.

Stay tuned and pass on the trailer!


"I'm Godfrey de Arnaud!"