Thursday, 23 May 2013

Grail Lords Shooting: Day 6

Day 6 of shooting Grail Lords is completed! We've got some pictures, but they're not of the highest quality as our pic camera is down, and all we had was the film camera and it doesn't take very good pictures. 
Getting ready for the shoot:

Gabriel, before any attack of exhaustion...

Macar of [de] Arnaud

Director On Set

Getting ready to begin

Baldwin de Fallard, Knights Teutonic
David as his usual self

The Mysterious Stranger


Day 7 will most likely be coming tomorrow. Stay tuned!

God Bless!
-The Cast & Crew of Lord and Lady Productions


  1. Wow, looks epic!! :) *high five*

  2. Glad y'all are filming again! Can't wait to see what you've come up with. :)


"I'm Godfrey de Arnaud!"